Chocolate Makes Us Almost Human.

It has been one of those months. You know- when you have recurring dreams about mass zombie attacks, nothing sounds good to you but Orange Juliai (the plural of Julius) and you can’t focus on making Jedi-costumes for your girls because you’re obsessed with rating your top one-hundred favorite books of all time/ decoupaging an old dresser with encyclopedia pages?

No. Of course you don’t. Because you’re not a “nerd”. Because you are able to “function as a normal human being”. No zombie dreams. No Orange Julius benges. No obsessive-compulsive list making. How nice for you. Why don’t you go ahead and feel really good about yourself. Because at least when you have “one of those months” it is something others can relate to. When you share how much you hate that dude on The Bachelorette others share looks of appropriate disgust. When you go off on how expensive pancake mix has gotten, or how your allergies are acting up- other people can sympathize. Pancake mix IS going up dammit! And allergies totally suck!

But what I’m really pissed about is the general population’s inability to meta cognate.

Wanna see my list? I made it with a sweet font.

Anyways if there is something I can take away from my month it is that no matter how desperate I become I am certainly my own unique brand of desperate. And there is something in that that makes me LQTM (laugh quietly to myself). And while that silent laughter may confuse and alarm those within my immediate proximity, laughing at myself is always soothing. That and listening to really depressing music… And reading Wuthering Heights… And watching Edward Scissorhands…And leaving random observations as facebook status updates…And plundering my secret stash of dark chocolate…

I am human after all.