I have honestly never been more excited about Thanksgiving than I am right now. One week away and I already have visions of bacon-baked green beans dancing in my head. Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, my mother-in-law’s killer stuffing, homemade cranberry sauce and pecan pie! Pumpkin pie! Marshmallow-crusted sweet potatoes! Yes please. Momma’s eating for two. So what if one of us is roughly the size of a baseball? This is one ravenous fetus! Pardon me, but “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”s Best Odds Diet can kiss my freaky second-toe. I feel like I’m giving life to a Velociraptor. This is my third pregnancy and I am reluctantly accepting that the closer I come to resembling Jabba the Hut during pregnancy, the happier my babies are. So as much as I would like to stay within the bounds of regular weight-gain this time around, my body is telling me to forget it. Afterall, I still have three more years before my metabolism shuts down right? Bring on the real whipped cream;the fetus wants what the fetus wants!

Lay Off, I’m STARVING!
YUMMY! Bring on the food!
When I was pregnant with Nathan, I remember going to Sizzler with a group of coworkers and getting a steak dinner with an all-you-can-eat salad bar deal. After eating the entire steak dinner, and inhaling three full plates of salad/pasta/tostada-bar heaven, my party was ready to leave me behind. I STILL was not satisfied!
The only time I ever came close to KILLING Wayne was when he tried to talk me out of getting a Cinnabon about a month before I delivered. I was violently hungry after smelling that ooey gooey goodness!
I still eat like I’m eating for two, and it seems my metabolism has shut down on me a few years ealier than I expected. By the way, I just made some really yummy pecan pie cookie bars if you’re interested. Come on over and you can have the other half of the pan (I’ve already eaten the first half).
My poor, poor baby. I mean MY baby, yours is doing just peachy. See you next week, my sweety pie (and do I mean PIE!) I’ll eat all I want and look more and more like a little pudgy Nana should. so you can too!
What can I say more?
“third times a charm” and definitely want to take advantage of the high metabolism while you can. smiles & happy thanksgiving.
Now I want to eat..
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I’m still trying to lose my pregnancy weight and know myself well enough to admit I probably will pig out like I shouldn’t this Thanksgiving. Oh well. Bring on the food! Agree!
Is it just me or does Amferny look a little bit like avatar Mo’s illigitimate son?
Hmmm. Mo, you got something to tell us?
Where? Where is that stinkin’ Amferny? I haven’t seen him around for awhile. He’s NOT MY son!! Is he?